Keith is a 2011 graduate of the George Washington University School of Business, completing his Masters of Business Administration specializing in Marketing of Services. He also earned a Diploma of Marketing Communication from the International Association of Advertisers and a diploma in Management during a residency at the Universidad de Chile in Santiago, Chile. As the sole member of the LLC, he is solely responsible for all company operations.
Read his musings on publishing here.
Customer Support Consultant
Adam has diverse experience among the public and private sectors as well as domestic and international markets. He completed his MBA with emphasis in operations management at Boston University in 2013. He is proficient in at least four languages, is an effective communicator, and has an eye for cost effectiveness. After working as a consultant, helping to draft aois21's business plan and standard publishing agreement, Adam helps advise aois21 staff on customer service policy and practice.
Chief Technology Consultant
Joshua is an Information Technology professional with over a decade of experience in IT and network functionality. He completed his MBA with an IT emphasis in 2011 at the University of Maryland. He thinks creatively and has excellent problem solving skills in addition to his technological proficiency.
Chief Editorial Consultant
Corey completed a Masters of Professional Studies in Publishing in 2011 at George Washington University and currently works as a copy editor for the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy. He’s previously edited for Shama Books in Ethiopia and The Germanic Review and Heldref Publications in DC. His skills and impressive attention to detail will help make every publication a success.
Visual Design Consultant
Since graduating from American University in 2005 with a Bachelor’s in Multimedia Design, John has pursued his talents in a variety of positions, including the DC newspaper The Hill, where he served as web editor.