First Look: Magnus and the Maiden

aois21 publishing is excited to give you a first look at the cover of the new fantasy novella by aois21 Creative Philip J. Sipkov, The Magnus and the Maiden.

aois21 designer Rebecca Head worked with Philip to bring his story to life in this cover and two accompanying maps. The maps will be released as posters available for sale at events and through the aois21 market.

The Magnus and the Maiden is the story of a group of intrepid youths raised on a hidden island and led by the maiden Kasmira that venture into the mysterious mainland. There they encounter the Magnus, the warrior emperor of the mainland and the keeper of the Cards. Of all the mysteries they seek, it is the Cards and the wisdom granted to the keeper, that intrigues them most.

This is the third book by aois21 Creative Philip J. Sipkov. It will be available for preorder on June 30th and on sale August 4th from the aois21 market and online bookstores everywhere.