Rekindle the Passion!

Poetry podcast coming to a close without more support

Starting today, aois21 is issuing a challenge, help us Rekindle the Passion on the Page podcast! Over the past two years, we have delivered poetry from guests and Creatives alike, in addition to favorites for holidays and creative inspiration. But all that is due to end very soon.

Despite our high hopes for the podcast, it has not caught on with guest poets and is now facing the end of our initial run on Soundcloud. Listenership is rising, but without additional support, either through new poetry or financial donation, it will end this May.

We have a plan to more forward, but we need your help to get there! We are prepared to submit Passion to and to ask our Creatives to record additional episodes, but the financial issue remains a roadblock. We want you to become a patron of the aois21 podcast network on Patreon. Our goal is $8 per month. For that small amount, we can keep Passion on the Page for months to come, and support other aois21 podcasts as well.

We aren't asking for one of you to pledge that whole amount. Just $1 per month, with the help of others, will allow us to upgrade our Soundcloud account and keep the poetry coming, without sacrificing the past episodes that you've enjoyed and shared.a
We are rolling out a new plan to build awareness for the podcast. It now has a Facebook page and soon we will be adding episodes to YouTube with lyric videos. This will make the poetry available to those that are hearing impaired, widening our audience. We have 36 wonderful, inspirational episodes that we want to keep sharing, but only with your support.

As a Patreon patron, you will be welcomed to submit your own episode of poetry that inspires you, as well as receive several other gifts and special bonuses. Future episodes will note your sponsorship, as well as episodes of other podcasts such as Literally This Week.

We believe in this series and want to continue sharing great poetry with the world, and we hope you believe so too. We are christening it with a new tagline, Passion on the Page:

poetry, commentary, insight, inspiration

Visit the aois21 page on Patreon today so the show will go on!